Endurance to Remain in American Fleet
PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL – American Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier Group Inc. (ARC) is pleased to announce that M/V ARC Endeavor entered the Maritime Security Program (MSP) fleet on December 1, further strengthening ARC’s best-in-class position for U.S.-flag Roll-on Roll-off (Ro-Ro) shipping services.
M/V ARC Endeavor replaces ARC’s M/V Endurance in the MSP fleet. MSP is the bedrock Congressional maritime readiness program that since 1996 maintains a modern, active fleet of 60 U.S.-flag, privately-owned ships available to provide sealift capacity and support to the military and other federal agencies in times of need, such as war or national emergencies. In addition, MSP gives the U.S. Government access to global commercial intermodal systems that would cost it billions to replicate. For example, since 2009, U.S.-flag commercial vessels transported more than 90 percent of the sustainment cargo needed to support U.S. military operations and rebuilding programs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Without this fleet, the U.S. military’s ability to deploy and sustain forces worldwide would be significantly compromised.
“Through our valued partnership with ARC and the U.S. military, the addition of the M/V ARC Endeavor to the MSP program under U.S. registry underscores our shared commitment to strengthening the U.S.-flag fleet and supporting national defense,” said Dave Heindel, Seafarers International Union President. “Together, we continue to enhance readiness and ensure reliable maritime capabilities for our nation.”
M/V ARC Endeavor was reflagged to the American registry on September 27 as the tenth U.S.-flag Ro-Ro vessel in ARC’s fleet. M/V ARC Endeavor is the company’s fifth U.S.-flag Large Car Truck Carrier (LCTC). The vessel measures 754 feet (229.99 meters) in length with a 21-foot (6.50 meters) high stern opening and a stern ramp rated for cargo weighing up to 320 tons. Regarding car-equivalent units, the ARC Endeavor can carry over 7,500 vehicles at once.
M/V Endurance will remain in the U.S.-flag fleet, continuing service to the military and employment opportunities for American mariners. M/V Endurance is the largest and most militarily useful, multi-purpose Ro-Ro ship in the U.S.-flag commercial fleet. She is a unique Ro-Ro vessel with no sister ships and is among the largest Ro-Ro vessels in the world at 860 feet in length with a stern ramp rated at 320 tons. Endurance has nine decks that can be configured to carry over 260,000 sq ft of high and heavy cargo such as CH-47s, MRAPs, M-ATVs, tracked vehicles, construction equipment and generators; 130,000 sq ft of additional high-side vehicles space; and space for approximately 200 containers. ARC remains the operator of nine Ro-Ro vessels in the MSP fleet, and by retaining Endurance, the company will operate ten U.S.-flag ships overall.
About ARC
ARC provides Government services, including global logistics and shipping services. ARC and its U.S. affiliates own and manage the largest U.S.-flag Ro-Ro fleet. This includes providing American-owned, managed, and crewed Ro-Ro shipping and intermodal services committed to the requirements of the Department of Defense, other U.S. Government departments and agencies, and commercial customers.
Read more at ARCshipping.com.
For further information, please contact:
Charles Diorio
Tel: (201) 419-8348
Email: cdiorio@ARCshipping.com